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The Book of Dreams. MONATIK

В наявності
Артикул: IM-0002936
650 грн
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додати товар в список бажань
Тип обкладинки

Do you know where dreams live? Where do they end up and who protects them? How to carry a dream through life and make it come true?

Turn on your imagination and dive into the world of dreams with the magical book written by the Ukrainian artist, composer and songwriter — MONATIK.

Here you can imagine, play and have fun, and most importantly — create and save your own most amazing dream.

«It so happened that due to the full-scale war, some plans had to be stopped, changed or postponed. But the war did not stop the dream! On the contrary, we dream even more and believe that our wishes will come true. Because we are strong! So strong that we can protect our dreams and always remember them. This means to remember oneself as young, sincere and immersed in the colorful adventures of imagination», — MONATIK.

This edition will make a great gift for English-speaking friends abroad!

Самовивіз з книгарні на Арсенальній - безкоштовно. 
«Новою поштою» по Україні та за кордон — за тарифами перевізника.
«Укрпоштою»  за кордон — за тарифами перевізника.


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