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Автор Кеті Треггіден
Видавництво Ludion
Розділ Non-fiction
Рік видання 2021
Кількість сторінок 232
Штрихкод 9789493039537
Формат, мм 170x240
Вага, кг 0.720
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Urban Potters. Кеті Треггіден

В наявності
Артикул: IM-0006065
1 160 грн
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Тип обкладинки

Clay is back: the age-old craft of ceramics is being embraced by a new generation of urban makers and collectors. Author Katie Treggiden explores the contemporary revival of pottery, focusing on six inspiring cities and their makers. 27 young and passionate ceramicists in New York, London, Tokyo, Copenhagen, Sydney and Sao Paulo introduce us to their work, their studios and their inspiration.

Urban Potters: Makers in the City will appeal to a broad audience – not only those who practice pottery themselves, but anyone who is interested in the handmade. The book also includes a practical source list of places to buy handmade ceramics in the six cities featured.

Katie Treggiden is a design writer, editor, curator, lecturer and consultant. Treggiden writes for the Guardian Magazine, the Telegraph MagazineElle Decoration and Icon, among others. She is the author of The Makers of East London and of The Residents: Inside the Iconic Barbican Estate.

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