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Автор Jinks McGrath
Видавництво Thames and Hudson
Розділ Non-fiction
Рік видання 2024
Кількість сторінок 320
Штрихкод 9780500297858
Формат, мм 200x230
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Metalsmithing for Jewelry Makers. Jinks McGrath

В наявності
Артикул: IM-0006057
1 570 грн
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додати товар в список бажань
Тип обкладинки

An authoritative step-by-step manual, combining tutorials, inspirational galleries, extensive cross-referencing and advice on metal jewelry-making.
Thanks to the popularity of workshops and classes, metal jewelry-making is no longer the exclusive realm of professional jewelry designers. Now, with a little patience and the right instruction, anyone can learn to create beautiful jewelry with metalsmithing techniques.
This book is one of the most comprehensive volumes on metal jewelry-making available. Freshly commissioned, full-colour photographs accompany detailed step-by-step tutorials, while comprehensive sidebars detail the relevant considerations for applying each technique to a variety of different metals, with cross-references where applicable.
The book also includes profiles of contemporary practitioners, providing readers with an understanding of a wide range of different working methods, materials and developing techniques.
With its combination of tutorials, inspirational galleries, extensive cross-referencing and advice, Metalsmithing for Jewelry Makers is an authoritative reference that is guaranteed to appeal to professionals and amateurs alike.

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