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Автор Mary Schoeser
Видавництво Thames and Hudson
Розділ Non-fiction
Рік видання 2022
Кількість сторінок 288
Штрихкод 9780500204856
Формат, мм 210 x 150
Вага, кг 0.450
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World Textiles. Mary Schoeser

В наявності
Артикул: IM-0003409
890 грн
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додати товар в список бажань
Тип обкладинки

An updated edition of this indispensable reference, surveying the history of textiles from twenty-five thousand years ago to the present. 

The history of textiles, more than that of any other artifact, is a history of human ingenuity. From the very earliest needles of twenty-five thousand years ago to the smart textiles of today, textiles have been fundamental to human existence, and enjoyed, prized, and valued by every culture. Silks from China, cottons from India, tapestries from Flanders, dyes from South America―the appeal of different weaves, colors, and patterns was long a motivation for trade, the exchange of ideas, and sometimes even war.

Mary Schoeser’s groundbreaking book, now revised and updated to incorporate new research with color illustrations, presents a chronological survey of textiles around the world from prehistory to the present. It explores how they are made, what they are made from, how they function in society, and the ways in which they are valued and given meaning as well as reflecting on the environmental challenges they present today. World Textiles offers an invaluable introduction to this vast and fascinating subject for makers, designers, textile and fashion professionals, collectors, and students alike. 

234 color illustrations

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