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Ukraine. Food and History. Olena Braichenko, Maryna Hrymych, Ihor Lylo, Vitaly Reznichenko

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Артикул: 00005168
1 500 грн
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The book “UKRAINE. Food & History” tells about the past and present of Ukrainian cuisine. It includes recipes of dishes that everyone can cook and local products, which together present Ukraine’s cultural diversity and rich heritage. Learn from the book about the culinary traditions of Ukraine which are still alive nowadays, as well cooking techniques, and ways of product preservation. The authors pay special attention to the way Ukrainian cuisine is presented whether during a diplomatic reception or a family dinner. Since table setting, and decoration also create atmosphere of the event and guests’ experience.

Chefs from different regions of Ukraine have prepared a set of various recipes representing a vibrant Ukrainian cuisine. The recipes not only reflect the Ukrainian gastronomic culture, but also are specially designed by chefs to present their taste, appearance, and structure according to the best modern culinary techniques, with an emphasis on quality and natural products.

To present the richness of Ukrainian cuisine in one edition, the chefs balanced recipes from different regions and culinary traditions, taking into account the simplicity of cooking the dishes. The purpose of the publication is to shift the perception of Ukrainian cuisine from a stereotypical list of dishes to the view of Ukrainian cuisine as a combination of valued culinary technologies and the quality of products.

Автор Olena Braichenko, Maryna Hrymych, Ihor Lylo, Vitaly Reznichenko
Видавництво Видавництво Їжак
Розділ Кулінарія
Штрихкод 9789669788245
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