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The White Company: The Art of Living with White. Chrissie Rucker

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In this sequel to bestselling For the Love of White , Chrissie Rucker, founder of The White Company, teaches you how to harness the power of white and neutral colors to create a truly welcoming home, and provides specific tips and ideas for stylish living and celebrations to enrich each season of the year. “I love a home to feel warm, inviting, personal and lived-in – and mastering how to decorate with white and neutrals is a wonderful way to achieve this.”—Chrissie Rucker In her much-anticipated second book, The Art of Living with White, Chrissie Rucker, Founder of The White Company, explores 10 inspirational homes that illustrate beautifully different ways to use white and neutrals through the seasons. The homes vary in size, style and location—from a minimalist city pied-à-terre to a New England-style country house—but what unites them all is the welcoming, stylish and calm feel that their owners have each created. The homes are grouped into the four seasons and each chapter ends with a summary of seasonal rituals that will work in any home. A concluding chapter—Inspiration & Resources—considers finding your own style, how to create a good balance between work and home in interior spaces, the art of simple entertaining and the importance of scent and touch in a truly comfortable home. “A passion for white unites this collection of homes, but it is each owner’s authentic creative imprint, that brings the art of living with white to life, in different ways. With each home comes personality, warmth and that elusive sense of comfort and calm,” Chrissie explains “I really hope you will enjoy all the wonderful ideas these very different, enriching homes offer. They have all captured my imagination in their own unique way, and I hope they spark the seed of fresh inspiration for you too.” The Art of Living with White is illustrated with 250 spectacular full-color photographs throughout.

Автор Chrissie Rucker
Розділ Подарункові
Рік видання 2022
Кількість сторінок 256
Штрихкод 9781784727130
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