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The Joy of Basketball. Ben Detrick, Andrew Kuo

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Артикул: 00005952
1 020 грн
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Тип обкладинки

The Joy of Basketball celebrates the meteoric rise of basketball over the last quarter century by ignoring the bland, traditionalist binary of wins or losses. Instead, the book’s focus is on everything else. Using text, charts, and illustrations that upend conventional jock wisdom, the book details the most incredible players in history, draft flops, long-limbed oddballs, superteams, the international talent wave, brawls, scandals, the rapid evolution of contemporary gameplay, coaching, fashion, crime, positional erosion, tragic tales, memes, and the sacred Kardashian Blessing. Bouncing between witty graphics and keen sociopolitical observations, The Joy of Basketball is a subversive sports manifesto camouflaged as a colorful reference book for your coffee table.

Автор Ben Detrick, Andrew Kuo
Розділ Нонфікшн
Рік видання 2022
Кількість сторінок 352
Штрихкод 9781419754821
Увійти за допомогою
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«Новою поштою» по Україні та за кордон — за тарифами перевізника.
«Укрпоштою»  по Україні та за кордон — за тарифами перевізника.


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