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The Fairy Tales of the Brother Grimm.

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1 405 грн
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From Snow White to Cinderella, Rapunzel to Rumpelstiltskin, the Brothers Grimm bequeathed a canon of stories which have become literary and childhood classics. The most widely read story collection after the Bible, their magical tales are stalwarts of early learning and imagination, listed in UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register as a vital part of our history and culture.

This beautiful hardback anthology is based on the Grimm’s popular 1857 edition and features 27 of their best-loved stories in a vibrant and meticulous new translation commissioned for this publication. The tales are accompanied by exquisite vintage illustrations from the past 200 years, including masterpieces from the legendary Kay Nielsen, British artists Walter Crane and Arthur Rackham, and giants of 19th-century German illustration Gustav Süs, Heinrich Leutemann, and Viktor Paul Mohn. Additional historic and contemporary silhouettes dance across the pages like delicate black paper lace.

In addition to the tales and illustrations, the book contains a foreword on the Grimms’ legacy, brief introductions to each fairy tale, and extended artists’ biographies in the appendix. For adults and children alike, this precious edition brings the eternal magic of the Grimms’ stories to the heart of every home.

Розділ Подарункові
Рік видання 2021
Кількість сторінок 320
Штрихкод 9783836526722
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