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Still Together: Connection through Meditation. Manoj Dias

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Still Together takes an active approach to reclaiming true and deep connection in our day-to-day lives. Looking at the feelings associated with disconnection, this guide presents steps through meditation and mindfulness practices to address these feelings.

Still Together is an exploration of the ways we feel detachment from our lives, goals and friendships, and how we can begin to reclaim ourselves through human connection. Technology has enabled us to be more connected than ever before but in many ways it has come at the cost of our sense of humanity. The reality is that we live in a world where innovation promises to keep us more up-to-date and connected but leaves us feeling more disconnected than ever before.

Exploring mindfulness, Buddhist philosophy and trend analysis, Still Together takes an active approach to reclaiming true and deep connection in our day-to-day lives. It takes you through different ways to be more present, engaged and ultimately more connected with your life. Author and teacher, Manoj, teaches us how to sit and meditate by ourselves, when to do it, for how long, and why cultivating wisdom so important to our lives.

Still Together will show you how all these learnings can be applied to our everyday life, enriching you with a deeper sense of connection to both yourself and the world around you. Learn that mindfulness takes time, effort, and attention but is extremely rewarding.

Автор Manoj Dias
Розділ Нонфікшн
Рік видання 2021
Кількість сторінок 176
Штрихкод 9781743796719
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