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One Ukrainian Summer. Вів Гроскоп

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Артикул: IM-0002280
1 030 грн
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Autumn 1993. The former USSR. Viv is about to turn 21 and is on a study year abroad, supposedly immersed in the language, history and politics of a world that has just ceased to exist: the Soviet Union.

Instead, she finds herself immersed in Bogdan Bogdanovich - the lead guitarist of a Ukrainian punk rock band. As the temperature drops, he promises that if she can get through the freezing Russian winter, he will give her "one Ukrainian summer." But is he serious about her? Or is she just another groupie?
At parties, gigs and dive bars, Viv and her new friends argue over whose turn it is to buy cigarettes, the best places to find Levi's jeans and whether beer counts as a soft drink. No-one debates the merits of speaking Ukrainian over Russian, the precise location of the border or the undeniable brightness of the future. Of course good times are here to stay. Because the Soviet Union is finished. Isn't it?
A poignant and often comical account of coming-of-age in the time after the Cold War and before Putin, One Ukrainian Summer is a love letter to a unique moment in history.

Автор Вів Гроскоп
Видавництво Ithaka Press
Розділ Художні
Рік видання 2024
Кількість сторінок 192
Штрихкод 9781804184868
Формат, мм 144x222
Вага, кг 0.316
Увійти за допомогою
Оцініть товар
Самовивіз з книгарні на Арсенальній - безкоштовно. 
«Новою поштою» по Україні та за кордон — за тарифами перевізника.
«Укрпоштою»  за кордон — за тарифами перевізника.


Готівкою при отриманні у відділенні «Нової пошти»
Банківською картою на сайті

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