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Автор Tori Bovalino
Видавництво Titan Books
Розділ Художні
Рік видання 2024
Кількість сторінок 256
Штрихкод 9781803367682
Формат, мм 130x200
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My Throat an Open Grave. Tori Bovalino

В наявності
Артикул: IM-0002849
585 грн
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Labyrinth meets folk horror in this dark and romantic tale of a lost girl and the shadows that lurk in the forest. Fall under the spell of the Lord of the Wood and uncover the dark past of a village that will go to any lengths to ensure its maidens stay good. In the small town of Winston, Pennsylvania, they fear the Lord of the Wood almost as much as they fear God. According to legend, ghosts of the nearby forest steal unattended babies, leaving enigmatic tokens of wood and bone in their place. Leah Jones didn't believe the legend, thinking it just a way to scare the local kids-until her baby brother disappears. Filled with shame and the weight of the town's judgment, Leah crosses the river into the Lord of the Wood's domain to bring her brother back. But the devilish figure who has haunted Winston for generations isn't what she expects. He tells her she can have her brother back... for a price. It's a bargain that will uncover secrets her hometown has tried to keep buried for decades. And what she unearths will have her questioning everything she's been taught to fear.

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