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Mrs Dalloway. Вірджинія Вулф

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Артикул: IM-0000858
130 грн
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HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.


Clarissa Dalloway is a woman of high-society - vivacious, hospitable and sociable on the surface, yet underneath troubled and dissatisfied with her life in post-war Britain. This disillusionment is an emotion that bubbles under the surface of all of Woolf's characters in Mrs Dalloway. Centred around one day in June where Clarissa is preparing for and holding a party, her interior monologue mingles with those of the other central characters in a stream of consciousness, entwining, yet never actually overriding the pervading sense of isolation that haunts each person. One of Virginia Woolf's most accomplished novels, Mrs Dalloway is widely regarded as one of the most revolutionary works of the 20th century in its style and the themes that it tackles. The sense that Clarissa has married the wrong person, her past love for another female friend and the death of an intended party guest all serve to amplify this stultifying existence.

Автор Вірджинія Вулф
Видавництво HarperCollins Publishers
Розділ Художні
Рік видання 2024
Кількість сторінок 224
Штрихкод 9780007934409
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«Новою поштою» по Україні та за кордон — за тарифами перевізника.
«Укрпоштою»  по Україні та за кордон — за тарифами перевізника.


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