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Fragile Things (Film Tie-In). Neil Gaiman

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Артикул: 00006035
480 грн
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Includes the Story “How to Talk to Girls at Parties” - Now a Major Motion Picture Starring Nicole Kidman

A24 Film Directed by John Cameron Mitchell also Stars Elle Fanning and Ruth Wilson

“A prodigiously imaginative collection. . . . The best of these clever fantasy metafictions explores the mysteries of artistic inspiration.”—New York Times Book Review, Editor's Choice

Two teenage boys crash a party and meet the girls of their dreams—and nightmares . . .

A mysterious circus terrifies an audience for one extraordinary performance before disappearing into the night . . .

In a Hugo Award–winning story, a great detective must solve a most unsettling royal murder in a strangely altered Victorian England . . .

These marvelous creations and more showcase the unparalleled invention and storytelling brilliance—and the terrifyingly dark and entertaining wit—of the incomparable Neil Gaiman. By turns delightful, disturbing, and diverting, Fragile Things is a gift of literary enchantment from one of the most original writers of our time.

Автор Neil Gaiman
Розділ Художні
Рік видання 2018
Кількість сторінок 400
Штрихкод 9781472250964
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