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FashionQuake: The Most Disruptive Moments in Fashion. Caroline Young

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iscover fashion that dared to be different, risked reputations and put careers in jeopardy. This is what happens when people take tradition and rip it up.

FashionQuake introduces 50 pivotal momentsthat shook the world and changed mainstream fashion forever, telling the fascinating stories behind each piece’s creation, reception, and legacy.

From awe-inspiring couture to protest T-shirts, bumster trousers to safety-pin dresses, this book profiles the cutting-edge of fashion, featuring enigmatic designers, risqué campaigns, surreal haute couture, and radical clothing. By tracing the history of modern fashion via the pieces that steered away from the norm, Caroline Young tells us how we got to the here and now.

This fascinating and deeply insightful book presents an alternative introduction to fashion focusing on 50 moments that consciously questioned boundaries, challenged the status quo, and made shockwaves we are still feeling today.

Автор Caroline Young
Розділ Нонфікшн
Рік видання 2022
Кількість сторінок 208
Штрихкод 9780711267442
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