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Автор Chloe Walsh
Видавництво Piatkus
Розділ Художні
Серія The Boys of Tommen
Рік видання 2023
Кількість сторінок 816
Штрихкод 9780349439259
Формат, мм 130х200
Вага, кг 0.580
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Binding 13. Chloe Walsh

В наявності
Артикул: IM-0002863
665 грн
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Тип обкладинки

They are from opposites sides of the track - but when their two worlds collide, nothing will ever be the same again.

Johnny Kavanagh has everything going for him. On the rugby pitch, he's a force to be reckoned with. Primed for stardom, he's heading straight for the top. Nothing can possibly get in his way, right? Not even the shy new girl at Tommen College. The one with the sad eyes and hidden bruises. The one that distracts him like no one ever has.

Life has never been easy for Shannon Lynch. Bullied and tortured, she arrives at Tommen College mid-way through the school year praying for a fresh start and desperate to shake off the demons that plague her. On her very first day at the prestigious private school, she comes into contact with the notorious Johnny Kavanagh. Thrown through a hoop over her feelings for him, and desperate to keep a low-profile, Shannon finds herself once again the target of bullies as she forms a fragile alliance with rugby's rising star.

Falling into a complicated friendship and grappling with their undeniable chemistry, Johnny and Shannon could never have foreseen the obstacles that will threaten their blossoming relationship . . .

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