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Ahead of the Curve: Learn to Fit and Sew Amazing Clothes for Your Curves. Jenny Rushmore

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Артикул: 00005910
630 грн
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Ahead of the Curve is the first sewing book to empower curvy and plus size women to feel body confident by sewing a wardrobe that fits.

Don't change your body to fit your clothes – change your clothes to fit your body!

Ahead of the Curve includes 5 basic garment patterns (US sizes 12–32/UK sizes 16–36/EUR sizes 44–64), which includes a pair of trousers, a t-shirt, a sleeveless top and two dress designs. Jenny takes you through a series of "Fit Clinics" – tutorials and case studies demystifying the fitting process – showing you how to adjust these patterns to master the perfect fit for your body shape. Once you have got to grips with this, you can go on to customize your closet and create an unlimited array of fantastic clothes that celebrate your body.

If you're curvy or plus size, trying to find clothes that fit and reflect your personal style can be incredibly difficult and frustrating. Plus size women feel constantly excluded and like they can't express their personality through clothes. This book finally changes that.

Автор Jenny Rushmore
Розділ Подарункові
Рік видання 2021
Кількість сторінок 192
Штрихкод 9781787136304
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