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Clean & Green: 101 Hints and Tips for a More Eco-Friendly Home. Nancy Birtwhistle

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Learn how easy it is to make simple swaps in your cleaning and tidying methods for a more eco-friendly home. This beautifully illustrated black-and-white guide with 101 hints and sustainable, natural cleaning tips and hacks will help you take small steps that have a massive positive environmental impact. In Clean & Green, Nancy Birtwhistle shares the simple recipes and methods she has developed since making a conscious effort to live more sustainably, many of which are faster and easier than the go-to products and methods most of us use now. From everyday cleaning and laundry tips to zero-effort oven cleaner and guidance on removing tricky stains from clothing and furniture, these economical, practical methods are perfect for anyone looking to reduce their use of plastic and throwaway products. Nancy shares her tried-and-tested recipes for all-purpose cleaners, replacements for harmful chemicals, as well as planners and to-do lists that will keep both your home and the planet clean and green for future generations. Includes metric measures.

Автор Nancy Birtwhistle
Розділ Non-fiction
Рік видання 2021
Кількість сторінок 304
Штрихкод 9781529049725
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