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A Garden Eden. Masterpieces of Botanical Illustration (40th Ed.). H. Walter Lack

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1 450 грн
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In pursuit of both knowledge and delight, the craft of botanical illustration has always required not only meticulous draftsmanship but also a rigorous scientific understanding. This new edition of a TASCHEN classic celebrates the botanical tradition and talents with a selection of outstanding works from the National Library of Vienna, including many new images.From Byzantine manuscripts right through to 19th-century masterpieces, through peonies, callas, and chrysanthemums, these exquisite reproductions dazzle in their accuracy and their aesthetics. Whether in gently furled leaves, precisely textured fruits, or the sheer beauty and variety of colors, we celebrate an art form as tender as it is precise, and ever more resonant amid our growing awareness of our ecological surroundings and the preciousness of natural flora.

Автор H. Walter Lack
Видавництво Taschen
Розділ Подарункові
Рік видання 2022
Кількість сторінок 511
Штрихкод 9783836591911
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